Requests for lab space and major lab renovations/ alterations go through different approval processes:


Step 1: Consult your Department Head/ Unit Head/ relevant departmental technical staff. You may then be directed to the Lab Portal to seek assistance.


Step 2: Give us details on your lab requirements. For new lab requests, our Lab Portal Team will then work with you to find a suitable location for your lab. For major lab renovation/ alteration requests, our Lab Portal team will work with you to determine the works required. 


Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment with our Lab Portal Team to discuss your request. 


Step 3: Once the nature of your requests are determined and the scope of works are known, you may need to submit your request to the Space Allocation Committee (SAC) or to Minor Works for approval. Please visit the SAC and Minor Works website for more details. 


Step 4: Once you have formal approval, our Lab Portal Team will work with you and take the lead on design, consultant/ contractor tendering, construction and project completion.